The county Kaiyang County of Guiyang city more than 1000 city road lighting lamp LED implementation

time:2017-07-30 14:37:00 browse:4601次

In February this year, the county people's Government of Guiyang City Kaiyang secretary and I signed the contract implementation of energy-saving renovation project LED Street County urban road lighting system. After two months of design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning, Kaiyang County LED street green lighting technology renovation project has been completed recently, the project more than 1000 LED energy-saving lamps have been delivered. Guizhou Province, city road lighting experts to visit the site observation, the main characteristics of our research and development, manufacture of "ten Hui card" LED street green lighting technology of energy-saving renovation project is: first, surface illumination uniformity and brightness uniformity, no spot, road lighting with high color rendering index, good color, small glare; two green lighting, energy saving and environmental protection, the technology of our intelligent LED street lamp energy-saving renovation project total power saving rate reaches more than 60%, the annual savings of 1 million 348 thousand kwh, equivalent to reducing the burning of 539 tons of standard coal, reducing 1344 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 41 tons of sulfur dioxide and 20 tons of nitrogen oxides. Our implementation of the LED street lamp energy saving technology in Kaiyang County in Guizhou Province, the project called "energy management contract (EMC)" a successful example of cooperation, promote energy-saving work of green lighting, the energy-saving technology renovation project will be achieved good social and economic benefits. (this project has been in the implementation of the project case column "outdoor lighting energy-saving green" display, please click the details: outdoor lighting energy saving: http://www.lvyouzhijia.net/gongchengshishianli/shiwailvsezhaomingjienenggaizaoanli/2013-10-09/10.html).